It is important that you telephone the school on the first and every day of your child’s absence. If you do not we will telephone or text you; please contact us before 08:30. If we are unable to contact you, we will carry out safeguarding checks using a range of methods which could include inquiring in the wider community, carrying out a home visit or through contacting other services and notifying the police that your child is considered an absent or missing person. We have an answering machine for messages out of hours. The school’s telephone number is 02392 581777.

If your child has an appointment during the school day please let the school office know either by telephone or send us a note. Please note that to ensure the safety of children who need to leave school early for such appointments an adult needs to sign the child out from the school office – we will not permit the child to leave school alone.

The most recent government guidance only permits schools to grant discretionary authorised leave in exceptional circumstances: exceptional is defined as a unique, one-off situation. If you wish to request leave of absence during term time, please ask at the school office for the relevant form.

For further information please read our attendance policy.