Alver Valley School Uniform

Children are encouraged to clearly identify themselves as belonging to Alver Valley Schools and to take a pride in their appearance.  Therefore, we expect all children to wear school uniform.
Please ensure your child’s school uniform and PE kit is named (including their coat).

  • Black or charcoal grey trousers
  • Plain white polo shirt
  • Alver Valley sweatshirt
  • Black shoes – not trainers or boots
  • Black or grey shorts for summer


  • Plain white polo shirt
  • Black or charcoal grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
  • Alver Valley sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Black shoes – not trainers or boots
  • Green checked gingham dress for summer

Sweatshirts, cardigans and bookbags with embroidered logos are available to order from the school office.Jeans, leggings, sportswear and hoodies must not be worn to school.
PE Kit
All children must have a complete PE kit available at all times, contained in a suitable bag.

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Plain black shorts
  • Trainers
  • Plain Black or Navy tracksuit (during colder months)

Beach wear or leisure wear is not suitable for PE in school and should not be worn.
Jewellery, (including earrings) is not allowed. This is in the interests of all children’s safety.  If your has pierced ears, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Looped or hanging earrings are not allowed.
  • Ear studs may be worn, but please send your child without them on PE days, or cover them with tape if the piercing is new.

Tattoos, whether real or fake, nose studs or any other facial or body piercings, are not acceptable in school at any time or under any circumstances.
Mohicans, tramlines and other extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school.