It has been a while since we updated this page so we thought you might like to know how Flower and Sparkles are getting along. Their movements have been more restricted recently as we have needed to keep them in their covered chicken coop to keep them safe due to the national restrictions that have been in force over the past few months, but recently the all clear to let chickens out of their coops was announced. Ours were both thrilled to be allowed out and get back to exploring and spending time with us. They both have great personalities and rush over to meet us when we say their names, always hopeful for a treat.
Sparkles has developed his crow – you may have heard him saying “Good Morning” to you all on your way to school, and Flower is now in the swing of laying eggs. We get an egg daily, which some of the staff have enjoyed at lunchtime. The children love to share their leftover lunch with Flower and Sparkles, and the chickens have enjoyed pecking at a variety of vegetables – their favourites include peas, sweetcorn and carrots.
This weekend the chickens are on a weekend retreat at Mrs Petty’s house. They have had lots of fun digging around for worms in the plants and exploring the garden.

*Breaking news* …. we hope to expand our chicken family soon! Watch this space?